Top Twelve Must Have Books for Freelance Libraries

Every writer needs a well stocked library of How-To books. I have most of these in my personal library and many more. It is important that you have the resources at hand to write well.

The first two books reference hundred’s of periodicals, books and other areas that are looking for writers.  This information is constantly changing so check out websites and read submission guidelines carefully before submitting.

Christian Writer’s Guild by Jerry B Jenkins (Tyndale)


Writer’s Market (Writer’s Digest)


The next two volumes s teach the basics of writing and the nuts and bolts of submitting,

      An Introduction to Christian Writing by Ethel Herr (ACW)


               Starting Your Writing Career as a Freelance Writer  by Moira Allen (Allworth)

The rest of the list references proper use of grammar, formatting and punctuation and how-to books on query and proposal writing.  Most editors, agents and publishers want to see your idea before they ask for your manuscript.

Formatting & Submitting Your Manuscript by Chuck Danbuchino and the editors of Writer’s


Digest Books (Writer’s Digest) (Lots of illustrations in this book.


The Christian Writer’s Manual of Style edited by Robert Hudson (Zondervan)


The Writer’s Digest Guide to Query Letters by Wendy Burt (Writer’s Digest)


Book Proposals That Sell  by W. Terry Whalin (ACW)


The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr. & E.B. White (Allyn & Bacon)


Getting the Words Right: 39 Ways to Improve  Your Writing by Theodire A. Reese Cheney (Writer’s Digest)

These are the top twelve recommended by many successful writers.  I am always pursuing through writing craft books to see what new thing to add to my library. I have some in my Kindle. I printed off a few downloads as well. When a writer stops learning his writing gets stall.

What books are in your writer’s toolbox?





3 thoughts on “Top Twelve Must Have Books for Freelance Libraries

  1. Cindy, I’m glad to have run into you and your blog! I met you at the Write-to-Publish conference. Like you, I’ve recently been given the opportunity to pursue writing as my career–although I only devote part time hours to it right now. This post is helpful for my new quest.


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